

BioEnable-Mobile Identity Management & NFC Document

Simplicity, Ease of Use, Convenience, Massive Costs Savings, while having a full-fledged RFID reader and Inspection System in your pocket are only a few of the motivations that characterize the development of the BioEanble NFC ...
by Software


Hamster SDK for Android

            There are following files are available in this dowmloading folder. To download “Android_BioEnable_Hamster” Prerequirements These are some prerequirements of which are required Andr...
by Software


Infant Security Solution

                Infant and mother comes at the registration station, where all the required things for enrollment is placed like Wireless tags, fingerprint slap scanner, iris scanner, foo...
by Software



Single Sign On(SSO) for Oracle Apps

          Single sign-on (SSO) is a user/session authentication process that permits a user to enter one name and password in order to access multiple applications. The process authenticates the user fo...
by Software


USB Fingerprint Scanner – Live Fingerprint Scanner

Fingkey Hamster is largest selling USB Fingerprint scanner  since last 10 years. It has been used in over 500 Government & Civil ID Projects. Its known for its scratch proof surface, crystal clear fingerprint images and e...
by Products


e-Shakti Project – Bihar NREGA

e-Shakti project in Bihar through its biometric attendance and wage disbursement at worksite has empowered the NREGA workers.   To resolve the challenges, project e- Shakti was conceived by the state chief minister. The g...
by BioEnable



Live Finger Detection

Principle Light is emitted onto the touching object such that light is transmitted along a path just below a surface of the touching object. A surface image of the touching object is captured by detecting that light emitted ont...
by BioEnable


Passport Seva Project

  The Passport Seva Project aims The PSP has been launched in Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) mode with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) as Service Provider. Passport Seva enables simple, efficient and transparent processe...
by BioEnable


Border control security solutions

Through Biometrics integrated ID cards and e-passports, international travel and trade can be secured from criminal activities. BioEnable offer Border control security solutions based on biometric, smart cards, RFID & image...
by Products