

Google joins FIDO to strengthen and replace passwords – Android Community

Android Community Google joins FIDO to strengthen and replace passwordsAndroid CommunitySome of FIDO's technology includes Biometric Verification (like facial unlock and fingerprint scanners), One time password systems that...
by biometric


Biometric data of 300000 Aadhaar applicants lost in Maharashtra – Biometric Update

Biometric Update Biometric data of 300000 Aadhaar applicants lost in MaharashtraBiometric UpdateConfirming the worst fear of those already untrusting of national biometric systems, the Maharashtra government has lost the biomet...
by biometric


Biometric data of 300000 Aadhaar applicants lost in Maharashtra – Biometric Update

Biometric Update Biometric data of 300000 Aadhaar applicants lost in MaharashtraBiometric UpdateConfirming the worst fear of those already untrusting of national biometric systems, the Maharashtra government has lost the biomet...
by biometric



They’re watching: why city-wide surveillance failed to stop the Boston bombing – The Verge

They're watching: why city-wide surveillance failed to stop the Boston bombingThe VergeThe mobile fingerprint scanner came out in August 2011, according to the federal tech trade publication FCW, as part of its Next Generat...
by biometric


They’re watching: why city-wide surveillance failed to stop the Boston bombing – The Verge

They're watching: why city-wide surveillance failed to stop the Boston bombingThe VergeThe mobile fingerprint scanner came out in August 2011, according to the federal tech trade publication FCW, as part of its Next Generat...
by biometric


Boston Bombing Could Impact Refugee Policy In Immigration Bill – TPM

TPM Boston Bombing Could Impact Refugee Policy In Immigration BillTPM“That includes biographic and biometric information. They submit to a full-scale interview. This could be several hours. It is usually accompanied by affida...
by biometric



Boston Bombing Could Impact Refugee Policy In Immigration Bill – TPM

TPM Boston Bombing Could Impact Refugee Policy In Immigration BillTPM“That includes biographic and biometric information. They submit to a full-scale interview. This could be several hours. It is usually accompanied by affida...
by biometric


Biometrics Institute Asia-Pacific Conference 2013 – Planet Biometrics

Biometrics Institute Asia-Pacific Conference 2013Planet Biometrics… insight into the latest developments and best-practice examples of biometric technologies. Through our extensive membership base made up of over 128 orga...
by biometric


Biometrics Institute Asia-Pacific Conference 2013 – Planet Biometrics

Biometrics Institute Asia-Pacific Conference 2013Planet BiometricsThe conference will provide an insight into the latest developments and best-practice examples of biometric technologies. Through our extensive membership base m...
by biometric