Sydney Morning Herald Samsung Galaxy Note 4 & S5 Are Just Around The Corner ApparentlySidhTechTo put up with Samsung's closest rival, Apple, the upcoming Samsung flagship smartphones might also feature a biometric finge...
ValueWalk Galaxy S5 Rumor Roundup: Curved Surface Out, Diamond Coat InValueWalkOther features rumored for the Samsung Galaxy S5 are eye scanning technology, which would supposedly outpace the biometric security of iPhone 5S tha...
How your boss can spy on you revealedNewstrack IndiaBosses also monitor your every move with tracking devices like GPS and your biometric information. Venting about work related problems on social media is also not advisable as...
Now, fix online appointment to get learner's licenceTimes of IndiaMUMBAI: The Andheri regional transport office (RTO) has initiated a welcome step to weed out touts from the process of getting a learner's licence. In a ...
Memeburn What did tech do for us in 2013? It made us think about privacy and the futureMemeburnApple had a particularly rough year with iOS 7 leading to security lapses, and its push for biometric security proving to be easily ...
Apple Insider Apple Patents Integrated Heart Rate Monitor For Smartphones, Hover Touch …TechCrunchApple's patent for heart rate monitoring sensors describes ways they might be used to identify a user according to thei...
A Smarter WorldBusinessworldQuite aside from self-driving cars (which would cause chaos on Indian roads), the car is becoming one of the things in the ambit of IoT and interesting new technologies for it will see an increase in...
A Smarter WorldBusinessworldQuite aside from self-driving cars (which would cause chaos on Indian roads), the car is becoming one of the things in the ambit of IoT and interesting new technologies for it will see an increase in...
Beyond Passwords: Microsoft Joins Fido Alliance BoardTop Tech NewsThis is followed by a local authentication method, such as a secure PIN, biometric ID from face, voice or fingerprint, or a second-factor keychain device. Under ...