New Phablets Using FPC Fingerprint Technology Launched by Pantech in KoreaPR Newswire (press release)Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) markets, develops and produces biometric components and technologies that through the analysis and ...
Mobile Device Management Infrastructure and Services Market 2014 – 2019 …SBWire (press release)On the devices front, installation of Anti-Malware/Anti-Virus client software is fast becoming a de-facto requirement fo...
Somaliland Sun Somaliland: Civil Registration Breakthrough for SomalilandSomaliland SunThey found over 50% of registrations (more than 6500,000 registrants) had no fingerprint. The biometric matching systems, while functioning,...
Biometric Update Fingerprint Cards boasts Pantech phablet integrationBiometric UpdateFingerprint Cards has announced that a new Android Phablet has launched with a FPC fingerprint sensor. The phablet, made by Pantech has been m...
Samsung Galaxy S5 Release Date Rumors, Specs: 64-Bit Development Almost …Design & TrendPrevious S5 rumors indicated that the upcoming Samsung smartphone will not feature a fingerprint scanner or true wireless chargin...
4 Stocks Plunged Sharply (OTCMKTS:CABGY, OTCMKTS:MDBX, OTCMKTS …Mesh Press (press release)Medbox Inc. offers a machine that dispenses medication to individuals based on biometric identification (fingerprint sample). The m...
How Layered Security Improves Identity Confidence and Consumer ConvenienceBanktech (blog)Recently, we've seen increasing attention and investment in a third: “something you are” – referring to physical or behavioral b...
SmartMetric Biometric Activated ATM & Credit Card to Fight $8.6 Billion a Year …Broadway WorldSmartMetric has developed a fingerprint reader that sits inside a person's ATM or Credit Card. It is self powered allow...